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System development And Life Cycle-Implementation and Post Implementation & Maintenance

  •  Implementation 

Stage: User training, File / System conversion

Key Question: What is actual operation? Are user manuals ready? Are there delays in loading files?

Results: Training programs, user friendly documentation 

• It is concerned with user training, site preparation and file conversion.

• When system is linked to terminal or remote sites it also includes telecommunication network and network testing along with system.

• During final testing user acceptance is tested followed by user training,

• System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of system to access, update and retrieve  data from new files.

• If testing is successful program is run with live data or else a diagnostic procedure is use to locate and correct errors.

  • Post-Implementation and Maintenance

Stage: Evaluation, maintenance and enhancements.

Key Questions: is system running? Should system be modified?

Results: User requirements need, satisfied user.

• There is an aging process require periodic maintenance of hardware and software.

• If new information is inconsistent with design specification, then changes have to be made.

• Importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the new system to standards.

• User priorities, changes in organizational requirements or environmental factors call for system enhancement. It requires evaluation, program modifications and further testing.

• In post implementation it is observed how effectively system is working, what type of actions should taken to maximize the benefits of system.

  • Some times user requirements are not clearly defined or understood.Some times it happens that recognition of problem is something else, the design by analyst is different, produced by programmer is different and lastly when it is installed to user's site then it is different. None of these matches with user's requirement.


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